Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Perfect Day

I want to remember today! April 29, 2015. It wasn't a special occasion or a day really different from others except for the fact it was. 

I want to remember the way the breeze came through the open windows bringing springtime into the house. The sunlight pouring in. Everything is alive.

I want to remember the smell of the chicken and veggies cooking in the oven (my first whole chicken ever!!) the smell of a momma who loves her family and wants to give them good things to fill their bellies. 

I want to remember the laughter of all the neighborhood kids playing in our back yard. Otter pops and kareoke And swings and bikes. I was completely smitten that such happiness existed in my backyard. I love
to see my kids smile. 

I want to remember the baby in my arms that slows my life down and makes it simple to remember what counts yet so difficult to get anything done!! So much purpose in such a little body. I fall in love every day. 

I want to remember my sister happy and in love, tan and lovely with possibility springing from her pores. She confides in me again. I love her company and being a part of her life. 

I want to remember the excitement of my husband coming home. The kids say at dinner it was their favorite part of the day. I'm beyond pleased I married a man like that. He kisses me and takes the baby. He is wonderful. 

The day was perfect. It was full of love and innocence and hope and comfort. I never want to forget this day. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Piper's Birth Day!

My due date came and went like always! I was busy that week at work getting ready for my new sub and I wanted to get through the next few days of student conferences. This little baby was sooo good and waiting until my day off to come into the world! I took off Thursday and was sitting on the couch at 9:00am when I felt my first contraction! I texted mom and Jake because I was so excited my body actually produced a contraction on its own...and they didn't go away! They were about 15-30 min apart all day so my mom told me to hurry and get in my fun for the day because I might be in labor. 

I went to the temple and got a nice lunch and lounged around on the couch for a while. Linda brought the kids from school and we made our little homemade pizzas and it was at that time I realized the contractions were still coming and getting stronger and closer together. 

By 10pm that night I was getting ready to go to the hospital because they were stronger and pretty consistent with what they recommend for coming in. We went into L&D and stayed in triage for about an hour. They were getting so much stronger and much more painful but because I wasn't 4cm dilated they wouldn't let me stay. I was doubled over in pain by the time we left. The nurse said " you'll know" when to come back. 
I laid on the couch and tried to sleep in between contractions and finally about 3:30am I could take it any longer and asked Jake to bring me back. By the time I got in the elevator at the hospital I was sobbing. The nurses wheeled me right into a delivery room when they saw what a hot mess I was. I was 4.5cm!! Yay I could stay!! 

They got my IV and epidural going right away  thank goodness. The epidural wasn't administered properly and it went a little too far into my spine creating a very concentrated numbing to my whole body. I was getting dizzy and everything was numb. I was even having trouble speaking. They gave me oxygen and I fell asleep.

I dilated slowly....of course. About 10am Jess Nelson came and then a bit later our birth photographer came. My epidural was wearing off because they had to disconnect it but they kept giving me small doses which helped a lot. I was kind of quiet and sleepy and out of it for most of the labor. Everyone was really patient. A little before noon I was ready to push. My sister showed up last minute and I was really happy to have her there. 
Dr. Ollerton delivered the baby. I had gone the day before to meet him. There are so many in his practice that I swear I saw a different OB every time. I couldn't feel anything which was great and bad and I was afraid I would be pushing for a long time. BUT... I pushed that baby right out! I pushed through 3 contractions and out she came!! My precious Piper was here!!! It was really emotional and wonderful to have her in my arms! 

Our Piper Sue Nelson was born 8 lbs 13 oz/20 inches and born at 12:01pm. She was given the middle name Sue after my mom and best friend Melissa Sue, two women in my life that have been loyal and strong women that I couldn't imagine my life without. I hope my little Piper is as wonderful a friend as they have been to me. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pizza Making!

This was the point of day I realized I might actually really truely be in labor! I had been wanting to make pizza with the kids for weeks and we were all finally home together! 
I totally forgot we had a pizza expert in the house! Jess showed us all the secrets to making pizza! The kids were thrilled.