We had a little family home evening where I gave everyone a piece of paper and some markers and told them to draw something or things they were grateful for. The kids love drawing these days and I knew they would like it.
Zoey started drawing one of her "potato" looking people and it was the only thing she drew. I couldn't imagine what she was drawing. Everyone went around and shared what they were grateful for and we all said things like "money, food, house..." And then Zoey was last and we asked her what she was grateful for and she said... Jesus. She had drawn a picture of Jesus. My heart was full. This little girl demonstrates over and over again her love for Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Piper's 20 Week Ultrasound
I'm 24 weeks!! Yay! It feels good to be looking more preg even though for the most part I still just look extra fat. It's been a great pregnancy and I can't really
Complain about much. She loves punching my bladder but even that I Iove... Just to know she is in there squirming around. I'm not ever gonna be the cute skinny girl with the perfect little cute belly but I feel extra lucky to be able
To work and be so active and overall be healthy.
Happy Halloween 2014
We had a great Halloween! Our costumes this year were inspired when Logan randomly stated that he wanted to be Captain Hook this year! It took some convincing to get Zoey to agree to Peter Pan because she wanted to be Schmee... lol. But I figured I would dress as Wendy to make it more fun! (Hey I got a comfy nightgown out of it!) Jake had to work doing pizza deliveries. We went to our ward trunk or treat and then went trick or treating with family and had a party over at Kim and Patti's. We even got Heidi and Maddi to dress as Tinkerbell and TigerLily!
Bry and Jenn came down with the kids and stayed over. It was a really nice weekend with lots of candy to dig through at the end!
Zoey is 5!
Wow FIVE!!! How did this happen!!!??
We had a fun day! Zoey and Logan came to school with me and a half day and then I took off the rest of the day. Jake met us at noon for zoey's birthday lunch. When we asked Zoey if she wanted to just do lunch with just me and daddy she said "no! Logan can come because I don't want him to feel sad". I love how much she considers others.
We went to my ultrasound and the kids got to see Piper in there kicking around. After we took Zoey to get ice cream and a hair cut!
After dinner we had cake and presents and it was a great little birthday!
Zoey has grown so much even in the last few months! With the start of pre school her learning has taken off. She LOVES to do letters and draw and color. She can't wait to do homework and her writing is getting better every day.
Her new bad habits are chewing her hair! It's driving us crazy! She also licks her lips until they are chapped. I hope this fades really fast!
She still loves critters and really loves art and coloring now. She will draw on any paper any time! She likes markers more than crayons.
She says "i love you" and loves to be cuddled up watching a show.
She plays really great with Logan.
She is so courteous and considerate. I love when I walk in the room with a new shirt and she goes " that's cute!"
She writes her z's backwards sometimes
Her hair is always a disaster!
She loves baby animals. Zebras
She loves Zupas and wild zuchini grill
She still comes in our bed almost every night! A habit we need to break fast!
She has a REALLY loud voice!
She loves rules and "choosing the right". She has an amazing sense for what is right and wrong.
She is really growing up. We love her so much! Everyone loves her! I can't wait to see what this year brings for her!
Zoey's Hee Haw Farms Party!
Zoey loved celebrating her 5th birthday with family and friends at the farm! We had me, jake, Logan, mom, Linda, Lloyd, Jenn, Bry, Logan, sarah, penny, Bella, Colleen, Heather, Calvin, shay, karen, Heidi and Hope!
The kids played in the corn and with the animals, went down the giant slide, rode the pony, and went on the hayride! We had a great time!
Happy birthday cute little girl!!
Girls Night!!
My Zumba friends have become such great friends! We decided to crash a high school football game and then indulge in way too many half price appetizers at applebees followed by hip hop dancing on the wii back at Andreas house! Ahhhh perfect night! Girlfriends are the best!
Jake's Birthday Breakfast!
I got out of bed early and left the kids a note to give jake that sent him and the kids on a wild goose chase to find his birthday surprise!
He had to take the clues from my pictures and then go together place and send a picture back for the next clue.
He ended up at kneaders in lehi where me, jakes parent's, and most of his phamily surprised him! It was a great morning!
Our Gender Reveal Party
We had the best gender reveal party!! I've been wanting to do one of these for so long! I went and had a private ultrasound done at 15 weeks and had them seal the sex of the baby in an envelope which I passed on to my friend Jaime who became the only one to know and the plan the reveal!
We had so much fun creating the decorations for the party. It all came out how I wanted it to!!
We had great weather and loved hosting the party at our own place. We had so many friends and family come we felt really loved.
Jaime had us go on a scavenger hunt and then it lead us to the reveal in the front yard. The kids pulled the string to release the ballons from the box. The balloons were pink!!!!!! Yay!! A girl!! I was thrilled along with Zoey and most everyone else but Logan's expression was priceless!!
We got the best video of him showing clear disappointment about it being a girl! He cried in our arms and slapped his knee. It was so adorable it was hard not to laugh. So glad my friend Heather got all that on my phone!
We even had a tv station play it on "right this minute".
I am so excited to have another little girl. The name Piper was already set for her from the beginning. We just love her so much already!

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