Sunday, March 24, 2013

As Easter Approaches...

I read these beautiful words tonight that really helped me to feel the spirit of the Easter season. So much about spring and this time of the year relates to the miracle of the Atonement. I would love to be in my Baltimore neighborhood as all the trees blooms and pink, red and purple take over the neighborhood. Rebirth is everywhere. I can't wait to take Zoey and Logan to see the baby animals this Saturday. There is something so magical uplifting about spring.

Tonight I was laying in Zoey's bed with her. I was asking her what she learned in church today. She said about animals. I said "who made animals?"
"Jesus" she said.

We talked about Jesus and where he lived and that he watches over us. She said "he lives in an airplane?" "he lives with Linkin?" "I want to go see him next week"

I told her that 'Jesus lived on the earth once, and that people were mean to him and they killed him. But  it was ok, because he died so we can be together as a family forever'. And she looked at me with big eyes and said "oh my heck!!!" lol.  She loves hearing about Jesus. She remembers what she learns and I can tell she has a personal love for the Savior.

In OCt 2012 General Conference Elder Walter F Gondalez wrote:

"I promise and testify to you that when doors seemed to be closed, where everything else seems to fail, He will not fail you. Christ will help and is the way out...It is comforting to "feel and see" that He rose from the dead "with healing in his wings", that because of Him we will meet and embrace again..."

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