Thursday, June 30, 2011
My Mr. Man-ee is 6 months and Lovin It!
Logan (whom I call Mr. Man-ee) is my busy little 6 month old! He didn't want to be too left in the dust by his busy sister so he has been working hard to be a big boy!
While this little guy is super cute, he sure has been waking up super early this past week. 6am-6:30am is rough for up grumpy non-morning people!
At his 6 month check up he only weighed 17lb 6 oz. 45% The dr says he is just moving too much to put on any weight. She also apologized to me and Jake for have 2 very highly active kids! As she was saying this Zoey was climbing and jumping off of everything and anything giving our dr a small heart attack! She also thinks Logan might be walking at 8 months! Oh heavens help us!! I bet he walks at 9 1/2 or 10 months like Zoey. They are so alike in so many ways! (Did I mention how our flight out to Utah with the 2 of them might be the worst day of me and Jake's lives?!) Linda... Hope you know how much we love you to be flying across the country with the two of them!
From the time he figured out how to get on his hands and knees he was crawling in 5 days flat (which I totally predicted like a good mommy would!)
A few days after that he started pulling himself up to stand! It is always cute to see him just standing in his crib waiting patiently for mommy or daddy to come! lol.
Other things Logan loves are sitting in his high chair and having a snack like puffs or yogurt melts. He is good a chewing them up with his toothless gums! (no teeth yet)
He is super happy to crawl around and play with his toys. He will follow you around the house if you call for him!
We love our GI GI (as Zoey calls him) and Bugsey as Jake calls him. I love his fluffy long blonde hair and big eyes! He is just so fun to have around!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Perfect Picture!
Our photo shoot was a nightmare and this picture sums up that moment and our lives perfectly right now!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Jake's Graduation Surprise!
Remember a long time ago when Jake graduated? Ok. It was only last month but it was really exciting for our lil fam!
We are so proud of Jake. One night while he was working me and the kiddies went and got stuff to decorate his car while he was at work. Zoey was pretty excited about the balloons.
When jake saw his car he texted me and said "Are we in high school? " in which I responded 'yes actually'. The students at school do this all the time.
Congrats jake! We are beyond proud of you. We know it wasn't easy.
Brushing Teeth
This girl loves to brush her teeth. I have to pry to toothbrush from her fingers every night.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Post That Never Was.....But It Really Was
I have written about 6 posts through my phone and Jake's phone but the silly application hasn't been able to successfully publish my posts. Annoying. I am working on it.
In short....
Life is good
Logan is crawling
School is OVER!!!
Jake Graduated
Those aren't in order either!
More to come!
Friday, June 10, 2011
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