In August, we made a trip out to Utah! It was our last horrah of the summer...a summer we were not ready to part with! We got to do so many things while we were out there and it was so nice spending time with Jake's family and seeing his friends.
We got to attend Lindsay's wedding while we were there (my college roomie). The temple sealing was really beautiful and the whole day was perfect for her. It was the first sealing Jake and I have been to since we got married and I have never been in the Salt Lake temple, so it was a special day for us! We even got to go to the Macaroni Grill where we had our first date and also ate the night Jake proposed!

Linda is such a great Grandma and threw our upcoming arrival a little shower to help us get in the zone for having a boy! She is a pro when it comes to details and put so much thought into all of it. It was the perfect weather and great company and I'm glad we got to do that!

Zoey loved all the attention she got from Jake's cousins! She is so excited to have a brother to play with!!
While we were in Utah we got to go to the temple where we were sealed, got to go to some Education Week classes at BYU, got to see a bunch of Jake's friends and Jake got to go on a weekend camping trip with his buds, and Zoey got lots of love from Jake's family! It was really great!
We love you Nelson Family!!! Thanks for a great trip to end our summer!